One good thing about night shift? The fact that it's a balmy 75 degrees instead of 104! I hope everyone is staying safe this summer and making sure to use up that vacation time. While the dramatic part of me (shocker, I know) immediately Googled to see if this is the most severe heat wave the Mid-Atlantic region has ever seen (it's not) - I'm also overwhelmingly grateful it's extreme heat instead of bitter cold. I know there's some of you who agree with me! Now on to business... I'd like you to join us to celebrate some scholarship winners, consider who you could nominate for the awards for the 2024 annual conference, and some upcoming fundraising/social events.
Jessica Cheney Scholarship Winners
Join us in a heartfelt congratulations to our 2024 winners of the Jessica Cheney Academic Scholarship - Major Deanna Chemelli & Sergeant Tara Burney!!!
This achievement allows Trooper Cheney to live in on our advancements, and allows us to continue to hold her close in our hearts and our minds. Thank you to our applicants and to the Cheney family for continuing to support this scholarship as well as our organization.
Award Nominations NEEDED!
Members looking for nominations for awards. Awards are presented in four (4) categories ~ Trooper Jessica Cheney Spirit Award, Leadership Award, Lifetime Achievement Award, and Valor Award. The deadline for submission of nominations is Friday, August 30th, 2024.
Please see attachments for more info. If you have further questions, please contact Barbara Natoli, MAAWLE Awards Committee, Chairperson, Montgomery County Police (retired) at
Pittsburgh Pirates Fundraiser

On behalf of the 2025 MAAWLE Conference committee we are pleased to announce our second fundraiser. Please join us for a Pittsburgh Pirates game as they take on the Seattle Mariners on Sunday, August 18, 2024 at 1:35 pm. Tickets are $36 which includes $10 concession credit. Bring the family, as there will be a Sesame Street Block Party and the kids get to run the bases. The flyer is attached which has the QR code to use for purchasing your tickets.Â
Harrisonburg, VA 2024 Conference
Only 88 days until Harrisonburg! Our conference committee has done a phenomenal job fundraising, organizing, and planning to make this year a success. I've posted the agenda below for those of you who haven't seen it yet - we have some really great topics to look forward to.
